Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Goal without a Plan

A goal without a plan is just “a wish without a hope!” Once we choose what it is that we want (Blackbelt and beyond) for example, all we have to do is just get started. Leaders, goal setters and champions always look at the big picture first, and then decide that they are willing to do what they have to do to get what they want.
When you know where it is you want to get to you will need a map to get you there. An acronym for M.A.P. is a “massive action plan” Your plan must include the goal of course, but it also should include what you have to do to get it as well as things you need to do (like train 2-3 times a week) that can be broken down to 1% improvements everyday towards your goal. You cannot fail to reach your goal unless you quit. (We all know that winners never quit and quitters never win). Of course the more focused you are the quicker you will reach your objective (s). As you train towards your goal (s) it is important to use “observation over judgment” of yourself. When doing so you realize that there are peaks and valleys towards your goal and you must pace yourself as you enjoy the journey. Fully commit to your goal, write it down, look at it often and set a time to get it done. Do it now.
As martial artists we must break our training down to four (4) 10 -12 week cycles throughout a training year. This puts a time limit on reaching our goal (s). You will be amazed at what you can achieve in this short time.
Make 2010 your year. Break your large goal (s) into daily habits; choose action over procrastination and being an “eager student” of life and our academy.
Fill in the goal cards below. Keep one for yourself and give the other one to your instructors. Put your major goal for 2010 (example reach my green belt or Blackbelt or 4th degree) whatever it is for you. When I say I want to lose 20 pounds this year it seems like a lot but when I tell myself that it’s less than 2 lbs a month or a ½ of a pound a week, I know I can do that. When you look at your goal card daily it reminds you to just do 1% a day and you will be successful. If your goals are “out of sight then they are out of mind!”
Master Dan Zaleski

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bring Your Shovel

The young eager woman said excitedly to everyone she knows “I have found some gold in the old mine that I bought with my last bit of savings”. She went on to say to her “friends” I have no money left but I know that there is an unlimited amount down there and your welcome to all you want if you’ll just help yourself. All the friends got excited until she said “all you have to do is come on down early and bring a shovel or a pick”. When they heard this the first friend said “I can’t get up that early” and the second spoke out almost at the same time saying “do you know the price of shovel’s these days? The last friend said “you know I can’t right now, but maybe after I finish all this busy stuff that’s going on”. The young eager woman with a sense of urgency said “but the opportunity is now”…A short while after that… the three friends were complaining about having to pay so much for their specialty coffees as they thought… “We haven’t seen our eager friend in a while” with a laugh of sarcasm. Just then, they saw on the newspaper lying on the table beside them the eager friend had made not only a fortune in gold she also found all sorts of gems. She was also making a huge donation to her cities charity. The friends all looked at each other, blame, excuses and denial started to unleash to each other as they all believed that they should have been the “LUCKY” one.
This knowledge will let you have any thing you want as long as you don’t break universal laws or your fellow mans law.
Know what you want. (Exactly not some fuzzy dream)
Take action. (Start right this moment to start the natural momentum)
Daily habits towards your goal (s). (Do at least 1% towards your goal everyday)
Be willing to do what’s necessary, with the attitude of gratitude.
Enjoy the journey. (When you start moving towards your dream goal (s) everyday you feel happy and become a receiver of natural energy and enthusiasm.) To really have this profound knowledge work, you must take total responsibility for you’re life. Say these 10 short 2 letter words to yourself as often as possible. If it is to be it is up to me. Once you know your direction get started, remind your self to Do it now, do it right, and do it all. At this stage of your journey you must have self discipline (I do what I have to whether I feel like it or not) to keep your momentum going. It is easy to quit here because sometimes the fun and excitement of your goal has been clouded by the daily work you must do. Quitters never win and winners never quit! You will never find a high achieving person blaming, making excuses or denying their situation or what needs do get done. Every student should know- What’s our Quest…to be our best! Character is all we really have.

Master Dan Zaleski

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Expect Success with the “Attitude of Gratitude”

Having an attitude of gratitude, while expecting success will energize your training and transform your personal potential into pure personal power. This focus of our thoughts on positive attitude and the expected result will determine how many challenges you will turn into opportunities.
You and only you hold the delicate balance in your mind of expectation of success or thinking you will fail if you try. When we expect to win or succeed we maximize our efforts, if we think we might not succeed we put forth minimum effort and therefore expect and receive dismal results. “What we think about we bring about”.
You control your future when you believe in yourself and expect your actions will pay off with highly rewarding results. This is when you truly vibrate with energy and proceed with focus, determination and enthusiasm! Remember you must be the one to hold the thoughts of the positive outcome. Your willingness to take action gives you the greatest power over any challenge and transforms passionate potential into personal power.

When you are aware of your Attitude of Gratitude you will:
* Feel more energy and feel in charge of your life.
You are fully aware that your success of your goals is not a matter of “if” but a matter of “When”
* You truly realize anything is possible, and then you figure out how.
* You can’t wait until tomorrow because you keep getting better every day in every way.
* You believe the glass is half full, but only temporarily, because you ordered more and bigger glasses to fill.
* Finally you are enjoying the journey and having a feeling of Thankfulness for having this profound knowledge and using it to help others and yourself.


Master Dan Zaleski

Yoga Open House

We have added another service to the Kelowna Martial Arts fold and we are proud and honoured to have Master T.J. Sohn join our team. Master Sohn has begun Instrcuting Energy Yoga at our academy Wednesday from 7:00-8:10 pm and Friday 5:00-6:10 pm, and he has agreed to hold an Open House on Wednesday and Friday from 12:00-1:00 pm. As well he is taking bookings for Health Consultations and Healing Massage. For more information please give us a call 250-869-0111.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Get to know your Neighbour

Hard to believe that summer is already sliding past us as Fall is starting to take grip of the tempature. I enjoy this time of year because it is a time of new beginnings and to reset my focus on achieving the goals I set in January. Like many people I have lost focus on some of those stars in the sky, but still others I work on daily. Eating right, drinking more water, setting aside time for me to work on me.

However one goal that I have never waivered from is getting to know my neighbours. Not just my new neighbours around my block but someone new from the larger neighbourhood of Kelowna. I have met a great lady her name is Hyeon ae, originally from Korea she is here learning english and thankfully she is able to help me continue my goal of learning Korean.

But what a great thing that two people from different parts of the world can meet and get along. Many of us dream of a day when we all get along there is no more war or fighting, however too often we think that it is someone elses responsibility. Like we are waiting for the special elite forces to come in and unite the world. When really it is our responsibility to accomplish that very thing one person at a time.

We are only 6 people from knowing anyone else in the world. 6 degrees of spereation is the term. If you need to know a plumber, electrician, doctor, lawyer or hairdresser just ask your friends chances are they know one who can help you.

So before all of the really nice weather is gone invite someone you just met or have yet to meet over for a BBQ. You are a member of that special elite force whose sole purpose is to unite the world. Or come down to Water Front Park this Sunday September 13th at 10:15 am for music entertainment and a chance to meet about 2000 people some you may know already.

Free Ladies Self Defence

We are offering a free ladies self defence class on Saturday Sept 12th at 10:35 am. There are no fees however registration is required. During this section we will be covering Mental, Verbal and physical boundaries as well as some basic techniques to help you protect yourself or your family. Please give me a call at 250-869-0111 if you would like to take part in this seminar.

Also have a look at this clip from our new DVD C.O.V.A.R. for her. It is a training DVD for continued learning of the practicle self defence that you will be learning through the Self Defence class during section 2.

Have a great rest of your week.


Chris Rowe

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spread the Art Night

Good morning, what a great morning for being up early. It feels like fall is in the air. A little crisp but the sun looks amazing. I wanted to Share the Art and invite everyone to Spread the Art night on Wednesday August 19th at 5:05 pm. It is a free class with no obligation other than to come have a workout, have some fun, meet some great people. If you or someone you know was thinking of doing martial arts this is the time, to come and check it out. We are at 2280A Leckie Road, Kelowna B.C. please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.

As an Instructor I have seen so many peoples reaction to their first lesson, and for most it is "That was awesome, that is not what I thought it was." Even if you train as a runner, or lift weights or something else, your body goes through an adjustment to the stresses you put it under. As a martial artist I have felt this also, we call it the General Adaptaion Syndrom (G.A.S.). So if you feel like you can not improve in your training, throw your body a curve and try something new. That is why we as instructors change our routine, and cross train as well, running, cycling, weights Yoga. Whatever it takes to take us to the next level of our worth while goals.

Other upcoming events;

FREE Ladies self defence class - Saturday Sept. 12th 10:30 am (Registraion is required)

This is part one to learn the basics.

Ladies C.O.V.A.R Defence - Wednesday Sept 16th 7:10 pm. This is part 2 putting the basics into

action. Fees $59.95 + gst.

Have a great week.


Chris Rowe

Monday, July 27, 2009

Motivation and Energy

I got this e-mailed to me from my wife Jennifer who reads articles by Mike Kramer who is a great writer for a website called http://www.sparkpeople.com/, and this is one of those articles. Have a read and then take a minute to let it sink in, then take action on your number one goal, beause "It is not what you know...It's what you do with what you know."
Have a great Week.

Going Through the Emotions
Why It's Worth the Trouble

-- By Mike Kramer, Staff Writer

The world can be a beautiful place, full of possibilities and life. You can feel invincible and in control. But it’s not always like that, is it? The world can also be a stressful, upsetting, confidence-crushing place. At times, it seems like Is it worth the trouble, you ask. Why am I banging my head against the wall? Is it really doing any good?You’re darned right it is!When life and your mind are full of troubles, when things seem out of control, you’ve got to take control of what you can. When confidence is low, that’s exactly when you need to be at your healthiest, your strongest, your most energetic. There’s no better time to create your own little corner of sanity and positive feeling. The best way you can do that is to stick with those small daily goals.You can be the hammer, making things happen, or you can be the nail that sits there and gets pummeled over and over. If you’re starting to feel like a nail, it’s up to you to keep your program moving forward. Gather yourself together, draw a line in the sand and refuse to give in to the doubts and temptation to give in or quit.
You’ve probably heard this story before, but since you’re here, it’s worth retelling: A frog, hopping around the farm, minding his own business, fell right into a pail half-filled with cream. Swimming frantically, he found the sides too steep and too high. Determined not to give up, he continued to struggle. He kicked and squirmed, kicked and squirmed until at last his churning had turned the cream into a block of butter – allowing him to hop right out. He never gave up!Here’s how your story and his intersect. If he only saw the hopelessness of his situation and started feeling sorry for himself, he would have sunk to the bottom. But instead he kept kicking. He kicked not because he knew it would help him escape, but because he was compelled to, he had no choice. He kicked because the alternative was no alternative at all.From the frog’s point of view, all he was doing was treading water (or cream), doing what he could in a bad situation. If you keep kicking, even if it just seems like you’re treading water, you’re actually causing real change that will make a huge difference later on.

There will be good days; there will be bad days – sometimes several in a row. There will be lazy days and discouraging days. But there will also be days of revelation, days of making a breakthrough, days of being proud of who you are becoming, days of wanting to climb on top of your success and reach for the stars, because you just know that anything is possible.These are the days that make it all worthwhile. These are the days that let you deal with those other, not-so-great days. Once you know those bad days will be there, it’s easier to accept them at face value and deal with them. But you have to keep kicking on those bad days to get to the good ones. If you’re not kicking, you’re sinking.Don’t let the world or your own doubts take away one of the most positive things you have going for yourself – your determination to create a healthier, more energetic, more vibrant, more wonderful YOU.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Become a Student again!

Good morning, what a great day it has been already and it is just 9:30am. My wife and I attended the benefit of Tianna Jack last night at Summerhill Winery to raise money for this young girls medical treatment in the Czech Republic. It made us appreciate the blessings in our life of health, and that what we consider hardships are really nothing when compared to the challenges of seeing someone you love go through health struggles.

Last night also opened our eyes to the compassion and caring nature of so many people of Kelowna. It was great to see. There was amazing entertainment including Tianna’s sister Serena, and the abundance that people shared in the way of silent auction items donated but also the bidding was over whelming. The mindset of get the item for as little as possible was tossed out the window. One nice lady even went so far as to out bid herself on the silent auction items because "It is going to such a great cause..." - what a beautiful person she is.

My challenge to you is to become passionate about something. Whether that is trying to raise money for a great cause like Tianna Jack, or stretching your mind so that you are learning something new.
I have recently met a new friend whose name is Lee Sun of Korea (Lee is his surname, Sun is his given name). He has been teaching me Korean and I have been helping him with English and I feel alive because I am a student again. I think back to when my kids were learning how to talk, and I have a new appreciation for what we all went through when learning how to communicate. This weekend I am suppose to have a conversation with Sun, in Korean...we will see how I do, but I love the challenge.

또먼니요! – See you again!

존경하 – Respectfully,

Chris Rowe

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SummerHill Pyramid Winery Fundraiser

Good morning, here is a sobering thought for all of us. Anyone who has a child knows that you would do anything to make them better when they are sick. A friend of mine Mr. Jack has a very sick 5 year old daughter Tianna who is in desperate need of a lung treatment currently only available in Czechoslovakia. With the help of Summerhill Pyramid winery and a host of others Friday July 10th 2009 will be a night of entertainment and silent auction to help raise money for this treatment. Below is a poster of the event, tickets are available from the following Businesses;

PostNet 138-1876 Cooper Road 250-860-9100

Cup'Casions 170-2000 Spall Rd 250-860-3690

Sandman Hotel 2130 Harvey Ave. 250-860-6409

Bank of Montreal 394 Bernard 250-861-1609

Summerhill Winery 4870 Chutte Lake Road 250-764-8000

call Brianne@summerhillbc.ca 250-864-1436

Kelowna Martial Arts 2280A Leckie Rd 250-869-0111

The lesson for all of us is, when we think life is hard for us put that concern into perspective and think of what could be worse. If we are honest we will find that very few things are really that bad when compared to the thought of losing a loved one. Especially a loved one so young.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Free Ladies Self Defence Class

Imagine your walking down the street and you get the feeling you are being followed. You look back and someone is crossing the street with his or her eyes locked on you. As they get closer they being to ask you a question, “Excuse me, do you have the time?” As you look down at your watch they have closed the distance and are right beside you. Someone with bad intentions has just interviewed you, and what happens next is up to you.

Kelowna Martial Arts will be hosting a
FREE Ladies Self Defence Class
on Saturday July 4th at 10:30 am
at Quest Academy Located at 2280A Leckie Road
Please call 250-869-0111 to register

Kids Bullying Seminar

Bullying Myths and Facts:
Myth: “Bullying is just, stage, a normal part of life. I went through it my kids will too. ”
Fact: Bullying is not “normal” or socially acceptable behaviour. We give bullies power by our acceptance of this behaviour.
Myth: “If I tell someone, it will just make it worse.”
Fact: Research shows that bullying will stop when adults in authority and peers get involved .
Myth: “Just stand up for yourself and hit them back”
Fact: While there are some times when people can be forced to defend themselves, hitting back usually makes the bullying worse and increases the risk for serious physical harm.
Kelowna Martial Arts will be hosting a
FREE Bullying Seminar
on Saturday June 13th from 10:30 am - 11:15 am
held at Quest Martial Arts Academy located at 2280A Leckie Road.
Call 250-869-0111 to regsiter
This seminar is Open All Kids from 8-12 years of age and will cover:
What is Bullying?
What to say when you or someone you know is being bullied.
What to do when you feel physically threated by another student.
Have a great day.
Chris Rowe

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Investment News

During these economic times that some people say are "Hard" or "Tough", there is one commodity that is a guaranteed investment. How many things can you name that when you invest your hard earned money into it you are 100% guaranteed to see a positive return? It is the most valuable item in the entire world. You do not have to be super wealthy to begin investing in it either. People who know about it are fanatic about pouring more money and time in to helping it grow and prosper.

By now you are asking what is it? Is it Gold, Oil, currency? It is something even more valuable...it is you! That is right; whether you invest money or time into yourself you are going to see a positive return. However “We” are usually the last thing we invest in.

We make sure everyone else is looked after, your employer or employees, spouse or children. Everyone and everything comes before you. Why is that? Do you not believe that you are worth the investment? Do you not think that if you take time to sharpen the saw, it will not be a lot easier to take down the trees in front of you?

If I gave you a Ferrari, or Porche (You fill in the blank with what you deem the best) would you drive that machine 100 miles an hour without stopping to refuel or make sure everything is working right? If smoke was billowing out of the engine would you stop to see what was the matter?

As humans we may not have smoke that comes out, however our body does give us signs. Sore or stiffness often times in the back or neck, you feel run down and maybe have a loss of appetite. All signs that you need some down time, some time for yourself.

Remove the idea that “If I take time for myself, I am taking time away from …” and replace it with the idea that “I need this time for myself so that I will have the stamina and energy to spend time with …”. You have to realize that you are not being selfish, or single minded to take some time for you. Your family friends and co-workers will appreciate the increase in energy and focus you have because of the time you take for you.

So the next question you may ask is “What should I do?” Well let me answer that question with another question, “What do you like to do?” It is whatever feels good, reading, running going to the gym, or doing martial arts. It really does not matter. Just set aside time for you to do what you like. There are 168 hours in a week, all I ask is that you take 2 for yourself.


Chris Rowe

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ladies Self-Defense

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ladies Self-Defence
As we approach the summer months, more people will be spending time outside. So KelownaMartialArts will be holding a Ladies Self Defence class on Saturday June 6th beginning at 10:30 am and will finish at 11:45am.

In this class we will cover;
Mental Awareness
Verbal Boundaries
Physical Boundaries

There are no fees for this class although Pre-Registration is required. In order to make the classes have impact so that everyone is able to practice the skills, we will be limiting the size to 15 women. As long as there is enough interest we will add classes to accommodate those who wish to learn these skills. The age group for this class will be 13 years +.

For those younger ladies, we will be holding a Bullying Seminar on Saturday June 13 again beginning at 10:30 and finishing at 11:15 am. Once again this is a FREE seminar for kids aged 8-12 years of age and will accommodate both Girls and Boys, however Pre-Registration is required.

To register for these classes please call me at 250-869-0111 or e-mail at chris.rowe@kelownamartialarts.com
Posted by Chris Rowe at 9:24 AM
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Monday, April 27, 2009


As we get more mature in age, we all look for new or better ways to regain some of the things from our youth. I am by no means old, but like most who could not use more energy during certain times of the day. Before you do any drastic changes to your diet or workout routine make sure you speak to your family doctor especially if you have not been active for a while. Once you get the green light, speak to someone you trust a friend, neighbour, or family member who is doing what you want to do move into a better way of life then mimic them. Chances are you will have to take the information that the trusted person gives you and make some adjustments to it, because we are all unique. However that being said the basics are always the same

Eating healthy, this should be 5-6 small meals a day. Your parents were right the most important meal of the day is breakfast it sets you up for success all day. Plan what you are going eat and approximately when (life does come up so be flexible). Drink water all of the time. 8-10 glasses of water a day. I know people will say specialized water is the best, however tap water is better than no water.

Working out regularly, pick the best time of the day for you. I like first thing in the morning, it sets my mind right on what my goals are for the day with regards to health. Pick workouts that you like, if you don't like it chances are you won't do it. Work out with friends, someone who will challenge you but not make you feel bad if you need an extra minute to rest. You have to listen to your body; you are the only one who knows how you feel. You maybe able to push an extra minute however what is it worth if you have to take a month off because it causes an injury.

Rest when you need to, this goes back to listening to your body. Sleep and rest is as important to anything else you will do during workouts. If you deprive your body of sleep your muscles will not be able to repair themselves, and you will have less energy to complete your workouts. That being said most people only need 6-8 hours a night. There are times when you get less and you still feel great, however the body will only be able to continue at that pace for so long, then it makes the correction usually in the way of sickness.

Have a great week.


Chris R

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Good morning everyone, I hope you have an opportunity to get outside over the next few days and enjoy the wonderful weather we are having. I had breakfast with a great group of people this morning the Okanagan Business Referral Group, excellent people with a wealth of knowledge. It really got me thinking about how well do you know your neighbour? Either that person over the hedge or the businesses around you. Invite someone to go and have a coffee or tea, and listen to his or her history, and ideas. That person might just hold the key for you to make the jump to the next level personally or professionally. 1 idea or suggestion is all that it takes for the ball to start rolling, and chances are it might be a concept that you heard before but presented in a new way.

After meeting with one of those people Philippe Daigle www.philippedaigle.com I was inspired to go for a run in the beautiful sunshine, 11 km later I realized that I forgot one of the most basic needs for runners. Water, which lead me to do some reading below is an excerpt from www.fitnesswater.org, enjoy and remember that all days are great it is only our perception that changes.

Better Hydration = Better Health
One would think that since the human body is approximately 70% water, hydration should not be such a serious problem for humans. We would all like to believe that we drink enough water to sustain our busy lifestyles. The truth of the matter is that a large portion of the population is chronically dehydrated. Dehydration is the number one cause of daytime fatigue in the United States. Being healthy is as easy as drinking water every day and never finding yourself thirsty. Your health is important to us and we are here to make a difference by offering the purest water your body thirsts for.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Saftey Tips for Running

Good afternoon, what a great weekend in Kelowna we just had. The sun was out and so were the people. My family and I took a hike on the Mission Creek Greenway and it was fantastic. Although it did bring to mind some basic safety tips.

1. Always tell people where you are going, and when you expect to be back.

2. If possible take a cell phone with you.

3. In a backpak take some basics such as water, snacks, and first aid bag.

4. Always be aware of your surroundings and who is around you.

On Sunday I was out running, I had my music playing but I still made sure I was aware of where I was and who was around. Often times it is that split second when we have let our gaurd down, that the unimaginable happens. We slip and turn an ankle, or worse someone sneaks up on you.

If you are out enjoying the beautfiul weather running here are a few Self Defense tips

1. If you have long hair, keep it tucked inside your jacket. It is an easy handle for a would-be attacker

2. keep your i-pod on a medium volume, so that you are still able to hear things around you

3. Try and avoid running too close to bushes and over hanging trees. This is an excellent place for hiding.

4. Get a whistle that you can have around your neck, however make sure that the rope can easily come off. Either it has a loose slip knot or a plastic clasp that releases very easily so that it can not be used against you.

If someone does try to grab you remember to knee low and hard, and make lots of noise.

Have a reat week and enjoy the outside with freinds and family.


Chris Rowe

Thursday, March 26, 2009

When: Wednesday April 15th 7:05 pm
Where: Quest Martial Arts Academy 2280A Leckie Road Kelowna, B.C.
Fee: $139.95 + gst

Attack Protection Tips
The pattern of an attack followed by most human attackers is:
1. Select an easy victim. Someone who seems oblivious, fearful or unawware.
2. Create a position of advantage to gain privacy and control.
3. Dominate the victim through intimidation, physical assault, or robbery.
4. Escape so they can get away without getting caught.
The quicker we can break or inturupt this pattern the safer we will be. This program will teach us 3 boundaries.
1. Gut feeling, things don't feel right.
2. Verbal - your attacker interviews you to see if you are the victim...use your verbal skills
be polite but assertive, perceived confidence is confidence.
3. Physical - if that person continues to come towards you and you have warned them to stay
away, it is on.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spread the Art Night

Good morning everyone, I just wanted to remind everyone of our Spread the Art Night tonight March 25th.

This is where we invite freinds and family to the Academy for a workout at no cost.

Kids 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Adults 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Teens 7:05-8:00 pm

These classes are lots of fun and you get to meet so great people. We hope to see you there.
One of the greatest gifts we can give is the gift of friendship and love. Maybe you have heard the phrase, "What you think about you bring about". It is such a true statement. Have you ever bumped into someone you were just thinking about? If you think that you are "lacking" something in your life, maybe it is love or enthusiasim, then you need to give more of that out.
As parents and adults it is easy to get caught up in the day to day tasks that we all must do. However whenever possible take the time to give and recieve a hug. And avoid the temptation to hug quickly, take a time and enjoy the connection you are having with that person. If you are belssed enough to have kids, truely take that time, becuase too often it passes by too quickly then they no longer want to hug.
Have a great week, remember in any arena of your life where you feel lack give more of that away, and watch what comes back to you.
Chris R

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First time "Blogging"

Good morning Everyone, we hope you are having a great day.

First - let me welcome you to Kelowna Martial Arts.com home of Quest Martial Arts Academy, the Okanagan's Premier Academy for personal and professional Self Mastery.

This is our first posting, and we look to add many more. We are located at 2280A Leckie Road, Kelowna B.C. Canada

For today I just want to mention that our Academy will be on Spring Break from Monday March 16th - Sunday March 22nd, and will have regular classes beginning Monday March 23rd.

Also I invite people to stop in on Wednesday March 25th for a free class.
Kids (5-12 years) 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Adults (17+) 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Teens(13-16 years) 7:05 pm-8:oo pm

These classes will be an excellent introduction into the martial arts, we look forward to meeting new people. Give us a call if you would like to attend, 250-869-0111

Also up coming is a Ladies Self Defense course held at the academy on Wednesday April 15th from 7:05 pm - 8:30 pm. The fees for this course is $149.95 + gst.