Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spread the Art Night

Good morning, what a great morning for being up early. It feels like fall is in the air. A little crisp but the sun looks amazing. I wanted to Share the Art and invite everyone to Spread the Art night on Wednesday August 19th at 5:05 pm. It is a free class with no obligation other than to come have a workout, have some fun, meet some great people. If you or someone you know was thinking of doing martial arts this is the time, to come and check it out. We are at 2280A Leckie Road, Kelowna B.C. please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.

As an Instructor I have seen so many peoples reaction to their first lesson, and for most it is "That was awesome, that is not what I thought it was." Even if you train as a runner, or lift weights or something else, your body goes through an adjustment to the stresses you put it under. As a martial artist I have felt this also, we call it the General Adaptaion Syndrom (G.A.S.). So if you feel like you can not improve in your training, throw your body a curve and try something new. That is why we as instructors change our routine, and cross train as well, running, cycling, weights Yoga. Whatever it takes to take us to the next level of our worth while goals.

Other upcoming events;

FREE Ladies self defence class - Saturday Sept. 12th 10:30 am (Registraion is required)

This is part one to learn the basics.

Ladies C.O.V.A.R Defence - Wednesday Sept 16th 7:10 pm. This is part 2 putting the basics into

action. Fees $59.95 + gst.

Have a great week.


Chris Rowe