Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Expect Success with the “Attitude of Gratitude”

Having an attitude of gratitude, while expecting success will energize your training and transform your personal potential into pure personal power. This focus of our thoughts on positive attitude and the expected result will determine how many challenges you will turn into opportunities.
You and only you hold the delicate balance in your mind of expectation of success or thinking you will fail if you try. When we expect to win or succeed we maximize our efforts, if we think we might not succeed we put forth minimum effort and therefore expect and receive dismal results. “What we think about we bring about”.
You control your future when you believe in yourself and expect your actions will pay off with highly rewarding results. This is when you truly vibrate with energy and proceed with focus, determination and enthusiasm! Remember you must be the one to hold the thoughts of the positive outcome. Your willingness to take action gives you the greatest power over any challenge and transforms passionate potential into personal power.

When you are aware of your Attitude of Gratitude you will:
* Feel more energy and feel in charge of your life.
You are fully aware that your success of your goals is not a matter of “if” but a matter of “When”
* You truly realize anything is possible, and then you figure out how.
* You can’t wait until tomorrow because you keep getting better every day in every way.
* You believe the glass is half full, but only temporarily, because you ordered more and bigger glasses to fill.
* Finally you are enjoying the journey and having a feeling of Thankfulness for having this profound knowledge and using it to help others and yourself.


Master Dan Zaleski

Yoga Open House

We have added another service to the Kelowna Martial Arts fold and we are proud and honoured to have Master T.J. Sohn join our team. Master Sohn has begun Instrcuting Energy Yoga at our academy Wednesday from 7:00-8:10 pm and Friday 5:00-6:10 pm, and he has agreed to hold an Open House on Wednesday and Friday from 12:00-1:00 pm. As well he is taking bookings for Health Consultations and Healing Massage. For more information please give us a call 250-869-0111.