Thursday, August 19, 2010


Our students hear it all the time when ever there is something they know they should do but keep putting it off  “Do it now! Do it right and do it all!

September, with its great weather but still staying cool, is the time to get back into regular routine including a new training cycle and to set a new 30 day goal. By setting and achieving your goal(eg:drop the 10 pounds I found in summer) or whatever it may be for you, it will get you back on track and in fine form.

This famous quote of the great coach Yogi Berra “It ain’t over till it’s over” Reminds all of us that no matter what level you’re at, beginner or Blackbelt that has had some time off, or kids getting back into the swing of school, Just get back and do it!  Do something within first 5 minutes towards this goal… Like call that client you have been thinking about, reading something positive and helpful, call to set an appointment for your first martial arts lesson!!!

Here are four easy steps to get to it and do it.

Step one – Set a new 30 day of what you really want or what you have wanted but haven’t got YET. This is the time if you really, really want it. What is your purpose to achieve this goal? You should be able to easily write five reasons down on a piece of paper.

Step two - is where you will gradually each day in every way get 1% better and closer to your goal(s) by doing one or two small things towards your goal every day. This is self discipline. All you need is 21 small steps towards this end and it will be a habit. The 21 steps could almost be done in one day if you REALLY wanted to get them done.

Step three – Remind yourself that it’s not what happened to you that matters, but what you do with what happened that matters. (e.g.: “I stopped training for a while it will be too hard to try again…get your ego out of the way and let’s go!!!

Step four – Realization is what happens when you are no longer forcing anything and you are now knowing you’re on your right path to an incredible balanced life. The philosophy of If it is to be, it is up to me gets rid of all blame, excuses and denial that having or maintaining a great life full of happiness, joy and fulfillment rests squarely on our own higher self.

Have a safe end to the summer, and if I can help you achieve your goals please do not hesitate to give me a call.


Master Dan