Everything that you are about to read and learn is based
on timeless principles. Please know that I respect your intelligence to much too
just tell you that these principles work and then just expect you to believe me.
The only proof that they work will be the results you will receive if you use them.
The first principle to understand is
that the universe is an abundant place that works whether we
are aware of these principles or not. These principles can be used for good if
you become consciously aware of them or may work against you if you are ignorant
of them. For example think of universal Ki energy like a river that flows
continuously, you may use a boat to flow down the river to where you want to go
very quickly and safely or you may just jump in and drown. The “river” doesn’t
care if you are a positive person or a negative thinker if you ignore the rule
of water and don’t float or swim you will go under. It just is… “It’s not what
we know, but what we do with what we know” that counts.
The second principle is that our own
beliefs become our limitations. These principles work even
if you think you are too
young or to old, to thin or to fat, your religion or nationality holds you back
or whether you are a male or a female. The principles are neutral and we direct
them through our own minds…”If it is to be it is up to me.”
The third principle is to know the
difference of right thinking, positive thinking and negative
thinking. Right thinking is based on truth and not illusion,
positive and negative thinking is filtered through your belief system. Right
thinking is being aware of the reality and truth of any situation.
The forth principle is that the truth
sets us free. It’s not a matter of being positive or negative,
but of simply just being yourself. Which means you are allowing your higher self
to reveal the truth in every situation that you are involved with to resolve it
self perfectly. This may sound magical, but I can assure you that it is only the
principle law of cause and effect in action.
All of the great master’s since the beginning of time
have tried to awaken us to the fact that we create our own reality. More
importantly, that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.
This includes the good, the bad and the ugly. When you understand that your
outer world is a reproduction of your inner
world it will cause you to look at
yourself in new ways.
Just know that no amount of determination, will power,
inspiration or motivation will solve our problems if we look outside of our
selves for the answer.