At Quest Martial Arts November first marks the beginning of the last full six
week training cycle until after the Christmas break. This month, we as
instructors want to make sure that you understand these four important lessons so that you are finishing strong rather than looking to coast into the finish line.
Start by using this lesson first:
Six by
six goal setting – This is adapted from Bill Hybels a Senior Pastor of Willow Creek, who runs a Leadership Summit every year. This is picking six small goals that you will achieve in six
weeks or sooner. They have got to be SMART, specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic for you and time oriented. Could you lose 5 -10 unwanted pounds by
Christmas? What about measuring your centre split and improving by an inch or
two. Just 6 small improvements will be the best gifts you can give your self.
The confidence this will give you will start your 2013 training with a roar.
Eat the
frog – Do the thing that feels the worst for you to do first.
This means if you ate a giant frog first thing in the morning everything else
would be easy. What’s the first thing you need to get done?
these numbers – 168, 24, and 1440. They stand for 168 hours in
a week. 24 hours in a day and
one thousand four hundred and forty minutes in each day they are for you to
use as you please. But once they are gone, they are gone forever. We ask our students for 2 hours a week out of the 168 to work on themselves. The saying
Do it now, do it right and do it all, applies here!
can only take our memories – No amount of material wealth can
buy an extension on life. No matter the amount of
money in the bank on the day you pass to whatever you believe is next; you’ll
be leaving it all. In this respect the passing of a king or an animal is the same.
Live life for this day, treat every person you meet with the respect that they
deserve. You will be creating great memories which are the real treasure you
will have for the rest of your life.
Chris Rowe