Most parents are excited for the routine, but will miss the uncertainty that comes from the ability to go and do things with their kids whenever they want. But the reality is kids need a routine, most kids will thrive when things are structured. Why? according to Dr. Luara Markham it is because kids are afraid of uncertainty. They are cautious of new places and situation.even foods. (Maybe just my kids)
But the reality is that through routine kids, and adults, gain confidence in themselves. they learn about what they can do and in small increments can be exposed to new things. That is where martial arts fits in. While most class structure is routine (mediation, warm-up, sport related activity, cool down/stretching) it is the middle section of sport related activity where they can be challenged. Our SKILLZ Program does just that! It offers a safe environment for your kids and yourself to be encouraged and inspired to do more than they thought?
Dr Markham goes on to state "Children, like the rest of us, handle change best if it is expected and occurs in the context of a familiar routine. A predictable routine allows children to feel safe, and to develop a sense of mastery in handling their lives." So why do so many parents stop routines during the summer vacation? Well if your like my house WE, as the parents want a break from all of the rushing around. While I agree parents do need a break, Raising Family Network states why routine is good for parents:
- They free up time for you to think about other things while you work.
- Regular and consistent routines can help you feel like you’re doing a good job as a parent.
- When things are hectic, routines can help you feel more organised, which lowers stress.
- A routine will help you complete your daily tasks efficiently.
- As children get better at following a routine by themselves, you can give fewer instructions and nag less.
- Routines free you from having to constantly resolve disputes and make decisions. If Sunday night is pizza night, no-one needs to argue about what’s for dinner.
One way that we help kids get back into routine is by offering a Kids Leadership Summit! This is a 3 hour program that will walk kids through the steps of Goal Setting, Conflict Resolution, and Internet Safety! Friday August 22nd 12-3 pm at Quest Martial Arts. email to register. The fee for the course is a donation to the Kelowna Food Bank!
Chris Rowe
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