Saturday, July 11, 2009

Become a Student again!

Good morning, what a great day it has been already and it is just 9:30am. My wife and I attended the benefit of Tianna Jack last night at Summerhill Winery to raise money for this young girls medical treatment in the Czech Republic. It made us appreciate the blessings in our life of health, and that what we consider hardships are really nothing when compared to the challenges of seeing someone you love go through health struggles.

Last night also opened our eyes to the compassion and caring nature of so many people of Kelowna. It was great to see. There was amazing entertainment including Tianna’s sister Serena, and the abundance that people shared in the way of silent auction items donated but also the bidding was over whelming. The mindset of get the item for as little as possible was tossed out the window. One nice lady even went so far as to out bid herself on the silent auction items because "It is going to such a great cause..." - what a beautiful person she is.

My challenge to you is to become passionate about something. Whether that is trying to raise money for a great cause like Tianna Jack, or stretching your mind so that you are learning something new.
I have recently met a new friend whose name is Lee Sun of Korea (Lee is his surname, Sun is his given name). He has been teaching me Korean and I have been helping him with English and I feel alive because I am a student again. I think back to when my kids were learning how to talk, and I have a new appreciation for what we all went through when learning how to communicate. This weekend I am suppose to have a conversation with Sun, in Korean...we will see how I do, but I love the challenge.

또먼니요! – See you again!

존경하 – Respectfully,

Chris Rowe

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