Monday, June 25, 2012

The Action Habit

The ability to master this one habit is greater than intelligence, talent, and abilities in determining your advancement through to the ranks of master in Tae Kwon-Do. The action habit is putting ideas into action now, and this is essential to get things done. These ideas will help you if you’re not already doing them.

      * Conditions will never be perfect – If you wait to start until conditions are perfect, you probably never will. There will always be something that isn’t quite right. We’ve heard the excuses before…it’s not the right time, there is too much competition or the economy isn’t very good at this moment. The economy is between your ears. (Meaning that what you think about you bring about). In the reality there is no perfect time to start. You have to take action and deal with challenges for your own growth as they arise.

      * Do it now- if you want to get to your next level in whatever you desire, practice doing things rather than just thinking about them, Do it today. The longer an idea sits in your head without being acted on, the weaker it becomes. After a few days the details get hazy. After a week it’s forgotten completely. When you do it now, do it right and do it all you’ll get more done and at the same time stimulate new ideas.

      *  Ideas alone don’t bring success- Of course they are important, but only after you have taken action! Just an average idea that’s been put into action is more effective than the big idea that you’re saving for “someday”. If you have an idea, then do something about it. Take action or it will perish in your mind. Someday is in the land of nowhere.

      * Action cures fear – Have you ever noticed that the most difficult part of competition (if you have ever competed) is waiting for your turn to compete? Even masters including myself have felt the pre-performance anxiety. But once you get started the fear disappears. Action is the best cure for fear. You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.


                   Master Zaleski

Friday, June 1, 2012

Personal Self Mastery

Personal Self Mastery

       Practising the “Kaizen” of Personal Self Mastery means that you are committed to the continuous improvement of everything you do, in all areas of your life.

     Self-discipline, then, is not an act of controlling and punishing yourself, but is motivated by self-love. When we do what we know is best for us by choice we are using the tool of self discipline (also known as personal power) to create self mastery. The acronym C.A.N.I., made famous by Tony Robbins means Constant And Never-ending Improvement.

     Every one of us has a part within us that will guide us through our inborn higher faculties of our minds to create personal self mastery and a better life for ourselves as well as those around us. In Tae Kwon-Do we quickly realize that when we start to improve in one area, (our training for example) we have to improve our water intake and nutrition and/or stop eating and drinking certain things.

     The start of self mastery in TKD begins with faith. Meaning - believe in yourself, before you see the results you want.

     As your personal power grows, you naturally take the driver’s seat to your destiny. This includes assuming complete and full responsibility for the direction your life is headed. You realize that you can create anything you want, within your circle of influence, and according to your skills, talents and competence. Some say this takes self-discipline. I like the term personal power, and the willingness to make a choice. Real power comes from listening to the stirring of your higher self. To become who we are meant to be means living in harmony with the mysterious heartbeat of life itself. Unfolding your potential can not be made to happen from the level of ego, it can only be supported by creating the right mental conditions.

     In the end, Personal Mastery is the journey of tapping your full potential as a human being – through being the leader of your life, and by co-creating with the spirit that runs through us all. Enjoy the journey!

                                                                                Master Dan Zaleski