Monday, October 1, 2012

4 week Self Defence Program

You can Protect Yourself!
Quest Martial Arts will be running a COVAR Defense program.  This will be a 4 week program which will allow the student to continue to improve not only their physical skills, but also their ability to process and deal with the emotional stress brought on during a self defence situation.

This program is a highly specialized self-defense program that teaches participants to successfully defend against an assailant of any size.  It is based on the idea that learning is best accomplished by “doing” . In all of our programs, you’ll work with a highly instructors who will create safe, yet powerful scenarios and role plays designed to help you  experience the “rush” of self-defense and personal power without the danger or the consequence.

All courses are taught by train instructors who know how to deal with the physical and emotional process of an escalating confrontation.

You are worthy of defending

Learn simple, effective self-defense and prevention skills through C.O.V.A.R.  Defense program.  These are techniques any person, regardless of age or fitness level, can learn.

Practice in a safe environment.  The instructor teaches and demonstrates all the techniques and coaches students while they practice.  For classes involving strikes, the instructors wear padded armour and are trained to allow you to hit and kick with full force.

What will I learn?
     The step-by-step process of developing skills and confidence.  By the end of the course, students have repeatedly used their skills to assess danger, set boundaries, and respond effectively to verbal and physical attacks.

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