Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Higher Faculties of your mind!

Higher Faculties of the Mind 

The five senses sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste are our antennas or receptors for getting information that we perceive from our world. There are also other senses that masters’ use called higher faculties of the mind. The word “Education” comes from the Latin word “Educo” which means to educe, develop or to draw from within. An educated person is a person who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want or its equivalent without violating the rights of others they are as follow;

Perception- This gives us our point of view. It is conditioned by the way you have been taught in life and which you believe to be the truth. The incredible thing about perception is we can alter it by choice and our whole world can change for the better.

Reason- it is the power to use our conscious mind to choose what we believe. We become what we think about.

Will - willpower is the ability to hold on to one positive idea without becoming distracted by a negative thought or distraction. We use this to stay mentally focused on our goal regardless of our current circumstance or situation.

Memory- Have you ever heard or said “I have a bad memory?” I think most of us would admit having said or heard that at least once in our lives. The truth is that there are no bad memories just untrained ones. Work your memory like any other muscle. You use it or lose it.

Imagination- As little children we used this all the time until one day some well meaning adult or significant teacher in our lives told us to stop daydreaming. It seems that the older we get the more we filter incoming words and ignore the 90% or more of unspoken communication. When you put creative thought to work in your mind and become an imaginary you can create your dream life in your mind. Hold on to that thought with willpower and manifest what you want into your material life.

Intuition - Is the connection to your God, your higher self whatever you choose to call it.  It is your gut feeling, and lets you know when things are good or bad. It is your connection to other peoples vibrational state.  It is what tells you when someone walking to the room whether they are in a good or bad mood.

By using these higher faculties you can impact your results and achieve whatever you set your mind to.  What we think about we bring about, we are what we repeatedly do.  Use every once of your mental and physical ability to be the person you were designed to be.

Mr. Chris Rowe

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